
Saturday 14 January 2012

Cromwell: Hero or Villain

General Oliver Cromwell was a significantly important man in the English history. He was the head of the one and only republic England had. He freed the country from the monarchy when it made puritan and protestant churches look like they were catholic. The question is; HERO or VILLAIN?
One of the reasons Cromwell Is considered a hero is the fact that he abolished the monarchy in 1649. Many people of the time liked this because since many civilians were puritans or protestants that despised King Charles I because he bought gold and silver and many other ornate items into the church, making them look like they were catholic churches. Some puritans believed Charles was urged by his wife, Henrietta Maria of France, which was a very catholic country.

On the other hand, many people argue that Cromwell was indeed a villain, because although the King had made puritans beliefs insignificant, when Cromwell became Lord Protector, he made catholic beliefs insignificant. Under this law, nobody was allowed to have any enjoyment as puritans believed this was unnecessary and that by working hard and leading a peaceful life you would get sent to heaven on death.

Another reason Oliver Cromwell is considered a hero is because he won the civil war for the Parliamentarians. He stopped the king misusing the parliament because the King only called parliament to collect taxes for his war.

However other’s say that although he fought for the reason that the parliament was not called upon for eleven years and then misused, when he himself became Lord-Protector, he found he could not cooperate with the parliament and dissolved it. This means that Cromwell is a hypocrite because he criticised the King for misusing the parliament and then did exactly the same thing.

Many people say Cromwell was a villain because he betrayed the levellers. Levellers were soldiers in the New Model army that were yeomen and craftsmen. They fought for the parliament because they hoped that the victory of the parliamentarians would lead to big changes in society. They wanted a society that in which men over 21 except servants and beggars could vote. But they were left disappointed, annoyed and angry when Cromwell and his parliament dismissed this idea. Cromwell thought that levellers would put the power of the country gentlemen like himself at risk. When they revolted he put them down by force. This also caused more opposition for Cromwell and his republic.
Cromwell was a villain because he cruelly massacred hundreds of Catholics at Drogheda. Cromwell did not think that the Irish were human beings with rights. He treated them contrarily to other enemies, for example the Scots. 

Many people say that these reasons can be justified because thousands of Catholics were needlessly massacred in ulster by Irish Catholics.
He killed all of the villagers including women and children with no mercy because of the Ulster killings in which the Irish Catholics killed many Protestants. But this does not justify Oliver Cromwell because that happened around ten year before the Drogheda killings.
Oliver also disobeyed the rules of war, because he gave no ‘quarter’ (giving quarter means to spare the enemy).
Cromwell said that he massacred the villagers at Drogheda because then it would prevent further bloodshed in other villages. That is wrong because it is immoral to massacre innocent people for that reason.
Cromwell is considered a hero by many historians because he refused the crown. All he wanted to do was get the country back to normal from the war. He wanted everything to be under control and he ruled the country well. However other people say he had more power and authority than any monarch but just without the crown.

In conclusion I think that Cromwell is a villain because he was a hypocrite. He executed King Charles for reasons that he does himself, he misused the parliament, he strips people from the right to have their own beliefs and religions and final he was even worse because he banned the citizens from having fun. He also massacre many innocent people for the wrong* reason.
There aren’t any right reasons for massacre people.


  1. u shouldn't have bothered with this site i only gets you more confused about cromwell.

    1. but it gives all the info

    2. it may give you info but it dosnt refer to sources meaning the level is lower :P

    3. this has given me opposite facts to what my teacher has told me so confused now

    4. What grade PLZZZ answer

    5. this site is fine, it is only one opinion out of so many others. if you dont like this site, then you should go find another one. but it will only get you more confused as it is only an opinion, not the proper answer

    6. if you look at the top it says that the grade is A/A*, so that means that this essay is also either an A or an A*
      does that tell you what the grade is Anonymous who sent it 4th February 2014 at 20:13?

    7. You need to write about the reliability and the source of the information, if it's biased, the motives and all those things to do with reliability to get a really good level

    8. that really helpt me in my exam and hopfully i got full marks

    9. to get a better mark you must say in the conclusion that cromwell was goood and bad

    10. It agreed with my teacher and was a great help even if I am at one of the top schools in the country

    11. I have HIV

    12. But I had sex with him!

    13. Very helpful information! I copied all of this page p for m assessment. I even got the best level out there! Thanks whoever wrote this!

    14. I hope you all die painfully you stupid scumbags

    15. Well you're properly thick then!

    16. I found this very good for the villain side, but I guess that's my opinion :)

    17. i think the essay is very nice

    18. good essay this really helped my homework

  2. But surely he was also a hero seeing as he allowed Jews into England and when he won battles, he didn't take all the credit. His intentions were right, he just acted upon them wrongly. No matter what your opinion, Cromwell changed Britain's history

    1. i agree...

    2. he was neither hero or villain to me. he has his good and bad aspects so i dont think you can really say whether he was hero or villain!

    3. this was helpful

    4. I agree if we didn't have Cromwell then we wouldn't have democracy. on the other hand all of the things Cromwell did were bad. For example when he landed in Ireland he killed many children by using them as shields he also tortured many women.

    5. Oliver Cromwell was a rapist

    6. Oliver Cromwell is Jimmy saval

    7. He is also a pedafile

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Oliver Cromwell executed Charles for treating Parliament badly and then he closed down Parliament WTH!!!

  3. this is a really good site, really well explained and really helpful for my homework, thanks :)

  4. thx 4 this website really helped my homework out. p.s sorry 4 my bad grammer was in a rush :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This website really helped me with my homework 'Was Cromwell a good or bad leader?' Where i have to find at least 3 facts for why he was a good leader and at least 3 facts for why he was a bad leader. Thank You!

  5. this site could have been more organised but atleast you put time and effort

    1. try and do a better one :/ lel

  6. u culd have ben more clear wid ur points

    1. it is clear it is frikin brilliant

    2. really good essay on Cromwell hopefully i can get a level 8 again by using sources as well.

    3. This has really helped with my test today I got a 7A from this! Carry on with more information like this it's very informative and detailed :D

    4. it is great

    5. jk it is crap

  7. this is the best website out of every single i've trying to get answers from.
    it is beautifully structured and very easy to understand.
    i am so happy you gave this website.
    i got the highest marks in my class and it is all thanks to you.

  8. this is a level stuff wow im already better

  9. thank you ever so much i really found this helpful and i enjoyed reading through and will pass this website onto my friends once again thank you

  10. thanks helped me so much!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. thanks for this site, it was ever so helpful to me and i hope you can do more sites, because you are a great help.

  12. thx this helped alot ^_^

  13. Thank you, great information, but not quite what I was looking for, I will come back here when i am looking for the time when Cromwell was ruling the country! thank you again!

  14. not very well written, but good info!

  15. Thanks. This helped a lot with my homework. Great info!

  16. im so confused :S

  17. is this really a a/a* essay?

    1. im thinking the same...

    2. Yeah I got a 6c for this!!!

    3. Only a 6c? Dang I wanted to find an essay that will help me get a level 8.

  18. Thanks, I found it useful to get another person's opinion of Oliver Cromwell and his actions for my History Essay! :)

  19. Thanks for the help!!! My only suggestion is that you expand more on your points to develop them - my History teacher said to me that you have to do that to get a level 5, so I'm not sure that this is Level A/A* work. Thanks for the help again though! :D

  20. thanks for the help!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. GREAT insightful site.

  23. gr8 site thanx a million!!!

  24. this is good information but I really doubt that this is grade a work, I think should get that checked by a real teacher

  25. This is a good part of history and I love it.

  26. There are many pats that you have not addressed

  27. lol,copy and paste dis and dat is ma homework done

  28. karan brar could even do this better!

  29. This doesn't make any sense! You repeat yourself and the structure of the work is awful!

  30. This website is great help, it gives me the information i need to put into my own words! Thanks

  31. This is actually helpful because it can help me with my essay and plus it gives me more information about Oliver Cromwell

  32. this site has helped me understand more and I think I will get a good grade from it.

  33. Wow i used this as my essay and i got an A* thx bruv

  34. thank you for this website, without it i would have failed at my homework. none of the other sites were as clear as this one
    maybe there could have been an even amount of hero and villain facts to make it more of a debate.
    i personally think he wasn't a hero or a villain, we don't know much about him because he lived so long ago. everyone makes mistakes, he just happened to make a lot of them. no one is perfect!

  35. it gave me all the points that i needed thankx

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. i wanted to try and find a historian that thought cromwell was a villian but i cant find it anywhere ad i was hoping to find it here but u never put about what historians though he was a villian but i will have to look somewhere else for my homework

  38. Thanks so much! This helped so much, keep being awesome!

  39. where is your evidence

  40. THIS IS WEAK...

  41. It's alright, could have had more detail and a better conclusion though. Thanks for the ideas though o_O

  42. I need the evidance

  43. due to circumstances cromwell became dictator. just like franco. history
    produces leaders. who come and go.when jesus returns he will rule the
    nations with a rod of iron.

  44. hi tom lol ps3 tomoz minecraft best house and trap ever yeah ?

  45. my name is bob

  46. come on minecaft on ps3

  47. fair play for writing it. This is more year 10, and I am in year 8. It does give all the info but a bit confusing

    1. yeah i'm in year 8 too and my teacher's like do this its easy and there are no sites that help. have u got any I can use ;)

    2. the student

  48. Cromwell is dick he should never have been given so much power.

  49. Oliver Cromwell should never have been born... England would have been so much better.

  50. luckily he died so soon otherwise we would have been screwed forever

  51. Very good piece of essay and very helpful!!!!!!������������
    Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  52. Thank you for this Essay. Even though I just needed a few its of evidence this helped me a lot.

  53. Thanks, this was really really helpful:):):):):):):):) Im really glad i found this site!

  54. fat cock great essay cheers

  55. This is unhelpful because you are not presenting a balanced argument. When you are making a point you need to back it up with evidence otherwise it cannot be proved to be true. Just a tip :)

  56. I like cheese

  57. Eat maggot Cheese

  58. You guys are mean


  60. if you think we are mean look further up the page

  61. Alena and calvin up a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. first comes love second comes world domination third comes the baby In the cabbage basket

  62. Lololololololololololol

  63. this is good for revision for my end of year exam

  64. this got me high marks

  65. I do go too the worlds must presidious school and i am a fam but chavee ife is sk gam

  66. This is perf for my history homework. Ia m defo gonna get an A*

  67. rubbish tho...............Interesting views

  68. i was really hoping for just a list of stuff about why he was good and why he was bad but i guess this is better than nothing

  69. I believe that Oliver Cromwell should be remembered as a villain of British history fully, although we should still recognise the good things he did. The main reason that this is my opinion is because of when he went to Dogheda in Ireland to stop a rebellion. He ordered his soldiers to kill everyone, even the women and children, and to use children as shields to keep themselves from being shot. Not only this, but after they had killed everyone in the Church, they went into the vaults underneath where all the women had hid themselves. This, I think, outweighs any of the good things he ever did. He was a murderer, and definately deserves to be remembered as a villain of British history.
    This was the first paragraph of my school essay, I hope it helps anyone who needs help on this topic!
    kawaiicactus xx

  70. this site is completely usefull i hate websites like this !!!!!

    1. so the website is usefull but you hate it?

  71. boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. This was great! Hopefully i pass my exam i go to a boarding school! If i get 100% i will forever pray to this person who wrote this

  73. An excellent essay. Thank you very much.

  74. that should be reported!

  75. Amazing website would definately recommed for yr 7-9

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